Animals trivia and quiz games

Animals trivia and quiz games

Hello my dear reader,

I am thrilled to tap into the joy of playing games and enlightening your mind with fascinating animal trivia. Being a gaming fanatic and an avid lover of the beautiful creatures roaming our planet, I wanted to share an idea that combines these two passions. So, why not engage our friends in an animal trivia quiz game, a perfect blend of learning and fun?

As busy as our lives can get, taking some time off with our loved ones, huddled around a bonfire, or maybe on a cozy couch is an experience we will cherish. Now, if we gain some interesting tidbits about our furry friends in the process, that’s twice the fun!

Post summary

  1. Preparing For an Animal Trivia Quiz Night
  2. Animals Trivia Questions
  3. Download full lists of questions

Preparing For an Animal Trivia Quiz Night

To set up a thrilling animal trivia quiz night with your friends, you’ll need to do a tad bit of prep work. The essential items on your to-do list would include:

Animals Trivia Questions

As a head-start, you could feel free to use the following trivia questions from the table below:

# Question Answer
1 What is the world’s biggest spider by leg span? Goliath Bird Eater
2 What bird is known as a symbol of peace? Dove
3 What is the fastest land animal? Cheetah
4 What is the tallest animal in the world? Giraffe
5 What is the largest animal to have ever lived? Blue Whale
6 Why do some owls rotate their heads up to 270 degrees? Because they can’t move their eyes
7 What bird family includes Goldfinches, Canaries, and Siskins? Finch
8 What is the smallest mammal in the world? Bumblebee Bat
9 How many teeth can an adult lion have? 30
10 What’s the lifespan of an African elephant? 70 years
11 In which country would you find the Kangaroo? Australia
12 What is the largest fish? Whale Shark
13 What’s the lifespan of a Killer Whale? Up to 100 years
14 What group of animals do frogs belong to? Amphibians
15 What is the largest land-dwelling species of Tortoise? The Galapagos Tortoise
16 What is unique about the eyes of a chameleon? They can move independently of each other
17 What is the lifespan of a housefly? About 28 days
18 How many hearts does an octopus have? 3
19 What expanse of water would you associate with the Portuguese Man o’ War? Atlantic Ocean
20 How many eggs can a Sea Turtle lay at one time? Up to 200 eggs
21 What bird has the largest wingspan? Albatross
22 What is the heaviest land animal in the world? African Elephant
23 What animal’s giant skull was mistaken for a cyclops? Elephant
24 What is the largest species of the Crocodile? Saltwater Crocodile
25 What fish is the largest member of the Dolphin family? Killer Whale
26 Which animal is known as the ship of the desert? Camel
27 What bird migrates the farthest? Arctic Tern
28 How many eyes does a spider usually have? 8
29 What is a female deer called? Doe
30 What is the lifespan of a Bowhead Whale? Up to 200 years
31 From which animal do we get angora? Angora Rabbit
32 What is the world’s smallest bird? Bee Hummingbird
33 What is a baby Kangaroo called? Joey
34 What is the lifespan of an Alligator? 30 to 50 years
35 What animal represents the World Wildlife Fund’s logo? Panda
36 What is the largest species of penguin? Emperor Penguin
37 What type of animal is a ‘Praying Mantis’? Insect
38 What type of animal is a Komodo dragon? Reptile
39 What is the lifespan of a monarch butterfly? 8 to 12 weeks
40 What did the Ancient Egyptians worship kittens as? Goddesses
41 For how long can crocodiles hold their breath under water? Up to 2 hours
42 What is baby shark called? Pup
43 What type of animal is a heraldic symbol of Scotland? Unicorn
44 Which animal sleeps 18 to 20 hours a day? Koala
45 What is the smallest breed of dog? Chihuahua
46 Wow many chambers does a cow’s stomach have? Four
47 What breed of dog is known for its distinctive blue-black tongue? Chow Chow
48 In what country would you find the echidna? Australia
49 What type of creature is a Portuguese Man o’ War? Jellyfish
50 What is the only mammal that can’t jump? Elephant
51 In which country did the Great Dane originate? Germany
52 What bird is traditional in USA for the Thanksgiving meal? Turkey
53 What does a metamorphic insect transform from? A larvae
54 What is the most poisonous spider in the world? Brazilian Wandering Spider
55 Which bird is known for singing at night? Nightingale
56 What is the only bird known to fly backwards? Hummingbird
57 What is a group of lions called? Pride
58 What is the only mammal born with horns? Giraffe
59 What is the average speed of a honey bee? 15 miles per hour
60 How old is the oldest known seahorse fossil? 13 Million Years Old
61 What branch of mammals are bats part of? Chiroptera
62 What type of fish would you find on a coral reef? Clownfish
63 What animal has the longest pregnancy? African Elephant
64 What bird commonly symbolizes love in culture? Dove
65 What animal is the national emblem of the United States of America? Bald Eagle
66 How many hearts does an earthworm have? Five
67 What was the first animal domesticated by man? Dog
68 In what part of the world did the domestic cat originate? Near East
69 What is the sleepiest animal in the world? Koala
70 How many legs do butterflies have? Six
71 How much can an Elephant’s tooth weigh? 9 pounds
72 What is the name for a baby bat? Pup
73 What bird is associated with delivering babies? Stork
74 What animal has the largest brain? Sperm Whale
75 Which animal breathes through its butt? Turtle
76 What animal has the thickest fur in the world? Sea Otter
77 What is a group of Jellyfish called? Swarm, smack or bloom
78 An ornithologist is a scientist who specializes in what? The study of birds
79 What is the smallest breed of horse? Falabella
80 What do you call a group of Rats? Mischief or colony
81 What is the smallest breed of rabbit? Netherland Dwarf rabbit
82 Which species of dolphin is known for its pink color? Amazon River Dolphin
83 What fish is the Shark’s nearest relative? Ray
84 What type of bird is the national symbol of New Zealand? Kiwi
85 What is considered the world’s second smallest bird next to the Bee Humming bird? Cuban Tody
86 Which insects are usually of short lifespan for typically a day or two? Mayflies
87 Which is the largest crustacean in the world? Giant Japanese Spider Crab
88 What are bats, the only mammal that able to sustain flight, more closely related to: birds or mammals? Mammals
89 Four of the five species of which primate is an immediate danger of extinction? Ape
90 Vultures await for what before beginning their meals? Some other creature to break the skin of a carcass
91 What bird is able to fly shortly after hatching besides the chicken? Atlantic Puffin
92 Next to man, which animals are the most susceptible to getting leprosy? Armadillos and Monkeys
93 The saguaro cactus, which thrives in the deserts of Arizona, is pollinated by what unusual help? Bats
94 Which is the most reticulated mammal in the world? Springbok
95 What is considered the largest number of eggs laid by a reptile? Aligator
96 What is the vertical dance of the bees an indication or sign of? Good source of nectar
97 Baby elephants are covered with what when they are born? Thick hair marshy to protect against sunburn
98 What is the only place in the world, other than Africa, where wild monkeys and parrots live in the same natural habitat? Florida, USA
99 What dinosaur stands and moves on two legs and has short forelimbs? Bipedal
100 Which bird has the biggest eyes of any land animal? Ostrich

Tip: Keep a mixture of easy, intermediate, and hard level questions to keep the game engaging for everyone.

Download the Full Lists!

Final Thoughts

Hosting an animal trivia quiz night is bound to create memories that will last. It will bring you closer to your friends, family, or colleagues. The feeling of recalling a trivia fact you learned while having fun with your loved ones is priceless.

Above all, the knowledge and appreciation you gain about these incredible creatures can inspire respect and empathy for them. After all, preserving our biodiversity begins with understanding and caring.

So, brace for an exciting night of brain-tickling animal trivia combined with endless laughs and enjoyment. With that, I wish you a fun-filled, wildly educative animal trivia quiz night!